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Blog posts tagged in security
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Block Windows 10 Upgrade

Microsoft recently changed the behaviour of those annoying Windows 10 upgrade icons and popups so that when a user clicks on X in the top right hand corner of the popup to close it, Windows 10 is automatically scheduled to be installed.

I like Windows 10 but upgrading to Windows 10 on a computer that has been used (and abused) for a while is not always successful. Today alone 3 customers reported they had serious issue after attempting to upgrade to Windows 10.

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Firefox reveals saved passwords in plain text

I just found something disturbing in Firefox. All your saved passwords can be displayed with a few simple mouse clicks. Check this out if you use Firefox:

  1. Go to Options
  2. then Security
  3. then click the "Saved Passwords" button
  4. then click the "Show Passwords" button
  5. then click Yes at the prompt "Are you sure you wish to show your password?"
  6. And now saved passords are displayed in plain text.

This means that anyone can go to your computer while its unattended and view your passwords. And on my test computer passwords are saved and visible in this manner even though I have never asked Firefox to save passwords! This stikes me as a rather significant security flaw.

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Windows 7 Mainstream Support ended 13 Jan 2015

Every Windows product has a lifecycle. The lifecycle begins when a product is released and ends when it's no longer supported. Knowing key dates in this lifecycle helps you make informed decisions about when to upgrade or make other changes to your software. Windows 7 has now entered the Extended Support Phase.

For more information see the Windows Lifecycle Fact Sheet

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Heartbleed Bug

The Heartbleed bug, a newly discovered security vulnerability that puts users' passwords at many popular Web sites at risk, has upended the Web since it was disclosed earlier this year. It's an extremely serious issue, and as such, there's a lot of confusion about the bug and its implications as you use the Internet.

CNET has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help users learn more about the bug and protect themselves. The Heartbleed situation is ongoing, and we'll update this FAQ as new issues arise. Check back for new information.

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Adobe Has Been Hacked!

Adobe has confirmed that about a month ago hackers infiltrated their network and stole millions of customer emails and encrypted passwords. They have further acknowledged that your password hint, name, encrypted credit card number, card expiration date, and other confidential information may also have been leaked. An analysis of the hack by Paul Ducklin of Sophos states that 150 million users have been affected and that the encryption methods used to protect customer data are extremely weak.

Adobe sent an email advising customers to change their login details but most customers thought the email was just another Phishing scam and ignored it.

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Windows XP SP3 and Office 2003 Support Ends April 8, 2014

On April 8th 2014, Microsoft will end support for its decade-old Windows XP. This means, you will no longer receive security updates, fixes or online technical support for PCs still running Windows XP SP3 and Office 2003. The security and privacy implications of this event could have significant impacts on your business, so if you're running either of these products you should plan to take action soon.

Potential business implications include:

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